
  • Archäologischer Anzeiger

    The Archäologischer Anzeiger (AA) publishes articles regarding current research and reports on excavation projects. So-called micropublications are explicitly welcome as well – short notes that briefly report on outstanding new finds or present discussion statements on broader methodological questions or theoretical concepts. The journal focuses on topics from the Mediterranean basin covering periods from prehistory to late antiquity; additionally, projects outside the ancient world are also considered. In accordance with the journal’s scope and the research aims of the department, contributions to the Archäologischer Anzeiger that discuss the large-scale connections and networks of the ancient world to the northern European, Eurasian and African regions are also welcome.

    The quality of the Archäologischer Anzeiger is guaranteed by a double-blind peer-review process as well as thorough text and image editing. From half-volume 2019/1 onwards, the contributions are freely accessible over a responsive viewer and a PDF in addition to the printed version.

    P-ISSN: 0003-8105 – E-ISSN: 2510-4713

  • Athenische Mitteilungen

    The journal »Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung« presents recent research results from Greece and its neighboring regions to a broad specialist audience. The contributions are diverse in terms of content and methodology and cover the periods from the early Aegean Bronze Age to Late Antiquity.

    All articles undergo a double-blind peer-review process and are evaluated in terms of editorial and production aspects on behalf of the editorial department. The editors base their acceptance decisions on these assessments.

    For further information regarding submissions, please click on »Make a submission«

  • Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan

    Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan (AMIT) is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal published annually since 1996 by the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute (EA DAI) and is peer-reviewed.

    The journal is dedicated to the archaeology of Iran and Turan in the broadest sense, including Iran, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, as well as China and Japan. All periods of prehistory are covered, from the Palaeolithic to the Middle Ages. Studies on modern history, ethnography, archaeometallurgy, bioarchaeology, environmental history, geoarchaeology and other interdisciplinary topics are also accepted if they are relevant to archaeology.

  • Baghdader Mitteilungen

    Archäologische und altorientalistische Forschungen in Mesopotamien. Mit dem Band 37, 2006 (2007) wurde die Zeitschrift Baghdader Mitteilungen eingestellt und in das Faszikel "Mesopotamien" der neu eingerichteten Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie (ZOrA) überführt. In der Reihe erschienen auch die Baghdader Mitteilungen Beihefte 13. 

  • Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie

    Die Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichen Archäologie (AVA-Beiträge) erschienen in gedruckter Form der ehem. Kommission für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie von 1979 bis 2004.

    Seit 2019 erscheinen die Publikationen der Kommission für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen mit verändertem Titel und neuer Zählung: Journal of Global Archaeology (JoGA) und Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen (FAAK).

    Verlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH
    Hindenburgdamm 40
    D-64295 Darmstadt

  • Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission

    The Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts has been published by the Romano-Germanic Commission since 1905. In addition to the RGK’s annual report, the journal contains major research overviews of ongoing and completed projects from the Stone Age to the early Middle Ages, including extensive scientific contributions and conference reports. The articles are printed in German, English, or French and are subject to a peer review process.

    In addition to the print edition, which is available from Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, we make available here in Open Access those contributions that have been approved by the authors for online publication. In the course of time, the contents of all volumes should thus become freely accessible in their entirety.

    ISSN: 0341-9312

  • Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts

    Published since 1971, Chiron is one of the world's most renowned journals for ancient history. The submitted manuscripts are evaluated by independent reviewers. The journal publishes articles in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian.
    Scholarly studies from the entire field of ancient history in the broadest sense, i. e. from the Mycenaean to the early Byzantine period, find their place in Chiron. Traditionally, many new editions and new interpretations of already published sources from the research fields of Greek and Latin epigraphy, papyrology and numismatics are published in Chiron. Equally welcome are fundamental and comprehensive contributions on questions of political history, religious, economic and social history of the ancient world, and modern history and theory of science.

    ISSN: 0069-3715

  • Damaszener Mitteilungen (1983–2008)

    Archäologische Forschungen in Syrien. Mit dem Band 15, 2006 (2008) wurde die Zeitschrift Damaszener Mitteilungen eingestellt und in das Faszikel "Levante" der neu eingerichteten Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie (ZOrA) überführt. 

  • DAI Annual E-Report

    The DAI e-Annual Reports provide an annual overview of the DAI's themes, research and activities. In independent articles, the DAI's Clusters & Networks and worldwide locations report on selected projects, current research priorities and products, new research collaborations and ongoing developments in infrastructure, initiatives to promote young researchers and international exchange, as well as their formats for scholarly communication.
    Since 2022, the reports have been published in a new, magazine-style layout, clearly divided into short thematic chapters, with numerous large-format images and graphically designed dashboards that summarise the wealth of information in an aggregated and structured 'Facts & Figures' format.

    Detailed project reports can also be found in the DAI Research E-Papers.

    ISSN: 2198-9397

  • Research E-Papers

    In 2014, the DAI restructured its report processes. Instead of a printed annual report, we now publish two separate, regular formats: our Research E-Papers and our Annual E-Reports. To ensure that our research reports are up to date, we publish Research E-Papers throughout the year in individual fascicles that are issued promptly with the respective research campaigns. These fascicles are available through open access as DAI wishes to share its research results with a wide audience. Our Research E-Papers are fully citable with ISSN and URN.

    ISSN: 2198-7734

  • Eurasia Antiqua - Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens

    Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens. Beiträge zur Archäologie des Schwarzmeerraumes, des Nordkaukasus, der eurasischen Steppe sowie der Mongolei und Nordchinas.

  • Forum for Digital Archaeology and Infrastructure

    The Forum for Digital Archaeology and Infrastructure is an open access journal in which articles on currently relevant topics in can be published without fixed submission deadlines but also without undue delay. The range of topics is wide, there will be discussions on research data management, digital technologies, and procedures, but also further development of the information infrastructures. Furthermore, there will be the publication of datasets or 3D models from DAI projects as well as examples of best practice in the use of digital systems, and much more.

    The journal appears yearly. Each issue's articles are published consecutively over the course of the year.

    ISSN: 2748-8861

  • Germania. Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission

    The journal Germania. Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts has been published by the Romano-Germanic Commission since 1917. To this day, the journal is characterised by current excavation reports, research articles and studies, discussion papers as well as an extensive book review section. The articles are published in German, English, and French and are subject to a peer review process. They cover topics from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages and from contributions to the history of the discipline to scientific studies.

    In addition to the print edition, which is available from Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, we make available here in Open Access those contributions that have been approved by the authors for online publication. In the course of time, the contents of all volumes should thus become freely accessible in their entirety.

    P-ISSN: 0016-8874 – E-ISSN: 2364-6004

  • Istanbuler Mitteilungen

    Die „Istanbuler Mitteilungen“ verstehen sich als Plattform archäologischer und kulturhistorischer Forschung zu Anatolien und seinen Nachbarregionen. Die Beiträge befassen sich mit sachlichen Zeugnissen der Vergangenheit von der Urgeschichte bis in die osmanische Zeit. Gemäß dem fachlichen Spektrum an der Abteilung Istanbul des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts bilden die Prähistorische Archäologie, die Vorderasiatische Archäologie, die Klassische Archäologie, die Byzantinische Archäologie und die Bauforschung thematische Schwerpunkte der Zeitschrift. Interdisziplinäre Aufsätze unter Einbeziehung weiterer Geistes-, Natur- oder Geowissenschaften sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Die Aufsätze sind überwiegend in deutscher und englischer Sprache verfasst.
    Die Istanbuler Mitteilungen sind eine jährlich erscheinende Zeitschrift mit anonymem Begutachtungsverfahren (Peer-Review). Die IstMitt werden bei den Indices ERIH Plus und Scopus geführt.

    ISSN 0341-9142

  • Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts

    The Jahrbuch (JdI) of the German Archaeological Institute has been published annually since 1886 with comprehensive and ground-breaking articles of fundamental importance for art history and stylistic studies, iconography, typology, hermeneutics, and the history of the archaeological sciences. In addition to the traditional focus on the visual arts, the Jahrbuch welcomes contributions across the broad spectrum of archaeological research, including architecture and the archaeological sciences.

    The geographical-chronological focus is on the archaeology of the Mediterranean and Near East from prehistory to Late Antiquity. In keeping with the Institute’s research aims, the Jahrbuch also welcomes contributions that address large-scale connections and interconnections of the ancient world to the northern European, Eurasian, and African regions. While the Archäologischer Anzeiger is available for notes, micropublications, and excavation reports, the Jahrbuch contains more in-depth and fundamental contributions.

    The quality of the Jahrbuch is guaranteed by a double blind peer-review process as well as thorough text and image editing. From volume 138, 2023 onwards, the contributions will be freely accessible over a responsive viewer format and a PDF in addition to the printed version. Older issues will be successively made available as PDFs.

    P-ISSN: 0070-4415 – E-ISSN: 2702-444X

  • Journal of Global Archaeology

    The Journal of Global Archaeology is published for the first time in 2020 as a continuation of the Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen and considers contributions to the field of archaeology of the extra-european cultures,  i.e. archaeological research primarily in Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania and the Americas, as well as reports on projects and fieldwork, material and site presentations, and review articles and theoretical papers on archaeology and cultural preservation.

    All articles are reviewed by international experts in a double-blind peer review process. After the acceptance, the contributions will be published successively and at the end of the year they compiled into a journal issue. The journal is published only in digital form.

    E-ISSN: 2701-5572

  • Madrider Mitteilungen

    The Madrider Mitteilungen is the journal of the Madrid Department of the German Archaeological Institute, released with an annual periodicity. Since 1960 current contributions on topics of the Prehistory and Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula and the Northwestern Africa, from the beginning of mankind until the ›reconquista‹, and related sciences are published. Contributions in German, Spanish, Portuguese, French or English are accepted and all include keywords and summaries in German, English and Spanish or French.

    P-ISSN: 0418-9744 – E-ISSN: 2749-8522



  • Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo

    The Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo (MDAIK) is the annual journal of the DAI Cairo Department. Since 1930, it has offered an international platform for articles on the archaeology and cultural history of Egypt. The topics of the articles cover a chronological range from the Predynastic to the Christian and Islamic Periods. In addition to the focus on archaeology and the publication of the latest excavation results from international projects, topics on cultural and art history, current research issues, and ongoing research are also discussed. The articles are published in German, English, and French, accompanied by English and Arabic abstracts.

    P-ISSN: 0342-1279 – E-ISSN: 2943-7970

  • PhDAI. Reports of the Young Research Network

    Erstellt von DAI-Doktorierenden für DAI-Doktorierende und darüber hinaus: PhDAI – Reports of the Young Research Network ist die Jahreszeitschrift des Doktorierendennetzwerks PhDAI und seit 2022 Teil der reichhaltigen Sammlung elektronischer Zeitschriften der iDAI.publications.

    Das Netzwerk, 2020 gegründet und 2021 offiziell unter die Cluster und Netzwerke des DAI aufgenommen, veranstaltet neben wissenschaftlichen Onlinetreffen auch das Jahrestreffen, in deren Rahmen Mitglieder ihre Forschungen vorstellen und diskutieren. Diese und weitere Berichte zu den Promotionsthemen und angrenzenden Bereichen werden in Form von kurzen Beiträgen in dieser Zeitschrift veröffentlicht.

    Die Zeitschrift soll als Publikationsorgan für Forschende am Anfang ihrer Karriere dienen; eine Beitragseinreichung steht allen Mitgliedern des Netzwerkes offen.

    ISSN 2940-2336

  • Römische Mitteilungen

    The “Römische Mitteilungen” of the German Archaeological Institute is an annual journal. Since 1829 the journal and its predecessor, the “Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica”, have promoted an international scholarly discourse on the archaeology, art, and architecture of the ancient cultures of the Italic peninsula and surrounding regions. The journal sees itself as a platform and international forum for the presentation and discussion of material culture from prehistoric times to the Early Middle Ages, with a traditionally special focus on classical antiquity. Contributions range from individual studies to overviews of excavation results, all of which have undergone a double blind peer-review process.

    P-ISSN: 0342-1287 – E-ISSN: 2749-8891

  • Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen

    The Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen published articles from the entire field of non-European archaeology. The Journal was published as a continuation of the journal Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie of the former Commission for General and Comparative Archaeology (until volume 24, 2004).

    The series has been continued by the  Journal of Global Archaeology (JoGA) since 2020.

    ISSN 1863-0979

  • Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie

    The journal Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie (ZOrA) contains detailed and fundamental contributions on the latest international research in the field of archaeology of the Levant, Mesopotamia, and the Arabian Peninsula, and also aims to give greater prominence to transregional research perspectives. The publication is open to all authors who wish to contribute to the archaeology and history of the aforementioned regions. In particular, "syntheses" are accepted. In addition, ZOrA is open to all DAI projects as an organ also for their 'reports from ongoing research'.