Gamzigrad-Studien I: Ergebnisse der deutsch-serbischen Forschungen im Umfeld des Palastes Romuliana
The volume presents the results of a Serbian-German cooperation project that ran from 2004 to 2012, the starting point of which was a colloquium in 2003 celebrating 50 years of systematic excavations at the site of the palace of the Roman emperor Galerius (305-311). New geomorphological, geophysical and archaeological investigations have resulted in a substantially expanded picture of the archaeological landscape in the surroundings of Galerius’ palace from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, into which the late Roman Imperial palace Felix Romuliana fits seamlessly. More than 50 new archaeological objects have been discovered across an area of c. 5 km2 in the immediate vicinity of the Romuliana-Gamzigrad palatial complex. Most of these were located in an area surrounded by a wall measuring roughly 250–300 m across, an area exceeding that of the palace.
The results of archaeological excavations in combination with detailed specialist studies allow a closer understanding of the topographical conditions of the palace, as well as of its integration into the wider settlement-topographical and settlement-historical context. In addition, they have made a more differentiated chronological understanding of the site Romuliana-Gamzigrad possible. This results in a significantly longer and more intensive occupation of the now more broadly defined site than was previously assumed. At the same time, however, the results raise new questions regarding the nature of the built-up area north of the palace and its functional connection with the main complex or its predecessor, as well as the function of the older fortress complex in the late antique communication and economic networks of the Balkan region.
Roman Empire, Tetrarchy, Palace, Felix Romuliana, Landscape Archaeology, Geophysics, Serbia, Ceramics, Sculpture, PorphyryChapters
Bauforschung und Arbeiten des Architekturreferats in Felix Romuliana-Gamzigrad von 2004–2012
Das deutsch-serbische Gemeinschaftsprojekt zur geophysikalischen und archäologischen Erkundung der Umgebung des Palastes Felix Romuliana. Chronik der Geländearbeiten von 2004–2012
GIS based topographical analysis in the surrounding of Felix Romuliana, Serbia
Felix Romuliana-Gamzigrad. Geophysikalische Erkundung des Innenbereichs zu archäologischen Zwecken
Landscape History Research in the Surroundings of the Archaeological Site Felix Romuliana
Prehistory of North-eastern Serbia using the examples from Felix Romuliana and its surroundings
Die Ergebnisse archäologischer Sondagegrabungen auf geomagnetisch prospektierten Flächen nördlich und südlich des Palastes Felix RomulianaCoins from Gamzigrad – extra muros
Felix Romuliana. Die Gefäßkeramik aus den Grabungen extra muros 2006–2008
The Results of Archaeological Research in the South Tower of the West Gate of Later Fortification of Felix Romuliana (Tower 19)
Coins from Tower 19 in Felix Romuliana
The Pottery from Tower 19
Die Villa extra muros nördlich von Felix Romuliana. Ergebnisse der Grabungen 2010–2012Coins from the Villa extra muros
Fifth Century Burial in front of the Northern Gate of Felix Romuliana – Anthropological Analysis
Die Porphyrskulpturen aus dem Palast von Gamzigrad
Mosaics from Gamzigrad, with a special overview of the sectilia pavimenta
Eine neu entdeckte Marmorskulptur aus der Villa extra muros nördlich von Felix Romuliana – Teilstück einer mythologischen Jagdszene