Geoarchäologisch-bodenkundliche Untersuchungen bei Ambrona (Provinz Soria). Zwischenbericht
Within the framework of the archaeological project at Ambrona and Miño de Medinaceli an investigation of sediments and soils was conducted in order to reconstruct the holocene palaeoenvironmental conditions in the region. Studies were carried out to identify main sedimentological and pedological features and to evaluate the effects of man-made environmental changes (e.g. clearings) and land use on the soils of this area (e.g. phases of soil erosion or colluvial deposition). A marked relationship could be documented between the formation of soils (e.g. calcisols, vertisols) and the spatial distribution of various geological source materials (e.g. solifluction debris, lacustrine clays). Abundant colluvial deposits suggest man-induced soil erosion. Until now, neither phases of soil removal nor periods of colluvial deposition could be dated. The Laguna de Conquezuela constitutes a geoarchive, however, which offers the possibility to conduct palaeoecological studies on the last 40 000 years. Future research therefore will be able to compare the anthropogenically influenced evolution since the early Neolithic with the solely climate- triggered development during the early Holocene and late Pleistocene.
palaeoenvironment, soil geomorphology, sediments, soils, colluviae