La Lámpara und La Revilla del Campo. Zwei Siedlungen des frühesten Neolithikums der Iberischen Halbinsel bei Ambrona (Provinz Soria) und ihre absolute Chronologie. Teil 1: La Lámpara


  • Michael Kunst [Author] (DAI Madrid)
  • Manuel Rojo Guerra [Author] (Universidad de Valladolid)


As part of an interdisciplinary, Spanish-German project on the development of a prehistoric ›Siedlungskammer‹ (a small region of interdependent settlements) in the vicinity of Ambrona and Miño de Medinaceli (Soria, Spain), five seasons of excavation were carried out from 1997 to 2001 in collaboration between the University of Valladolid and the German Archaeological Institute of Madrid. The analysis of these investigations is still in progress. As a study of spatial archaeology, the
project combines methods of Prehistory with those of numerous natural sciences. The article focuses on the results of the 2001 excavations at La Lámpara. At this site holes were found, which at least  in some cases could have served as storage pits. Furthermore, the absolute chronology of the site is described and compared with the radiocarbon dates from La Revilla del Campo, which is another settlement site studied by the project and will be the subject of the second part of the report. The results of the excavations indicate that the Neolithization of the Iberian Peninsula took place relatively quickly, with little chronological differences between the eastern parts of the peninsula and the Interior. The pottery presented here does not belong to the ›classical‹ Cardial, however, but to the so called Epicardial.


Early Neolithic, Meseta Neolithic, Epicardial, radiocarbon chronology, AMS-dates, spacial archaeology, hole, ditch, causewayed camp






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How to Cite

Kunst, M. and Rojo Guerra, M. (2020) “La Lámpara und La Revilla del Campo. Zwei Siedlungen des frühesten Neolithikums der Iberischen Halbinsel bei Ambrona (Provinz Soria) und ihre absolute Chronologie. Teil 1: La Lámpara”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 48, pp. 1–46. doi:10.34780/6m3g-j52u.