Das Projekt ‘Salzarchäologie’ der Lagunen von Villafáfila (Zamora). Ausgrabungen in den prähistorischen Salzsieden Molino Sanchón II und Santioste



  • Elisa Guerra-Doce [Author] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8411-5133 (Universidad de Valladolid)
  • Javier Abarquero Moras [Author] (Universidad de Valladolid)
  • Germán Delibes de Castro [Author] (Universidad de Valladolid)
  • Angel Luis Palomino Lázaro [Author]
  • Jesús Del Val Recio [Author]


At least from the Neolithic period onwards, salt played an important role in prehistory by having a significant impact on the settlement of those areas where its exploitation was possible. This was the case with the lacustrine complex of Villafáfila, to the west of the Duero basin, where we have identified several saltworks dedicated to the extraction of salt through the boiling of brine since the end of the Chalcolitic period, and particularly during the Early Bronze Age, from which period thirty local deposits have been found. The excavations carried out in Molino Sanchón II and in Santioste provide important data regarding the evolution of the technology used, from the use of simple fire-pits to the advent of ovens with a combustion chamber. However, some of the evidence recovered, such as a large quantity of campaniform ceramics at the first site, sometimes displaying singular characteristics, or a faunistic deposit at the second site, are useful for the analysis of ritual and social aspects related to the salt industry.


Brine, Salt evaporation pond, bell-beakers Ciempozuelos, Early Bronze Age






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How to Cite

Guerra-Doce, E., Abarquero Moras, J., Delibes de Castro, G., Palomino Lázaro, A.L. and Del Val Recio, J. (2020) “Das Projekt ‘Salzarchäologie’ der Lagunen von Villafáfila (Zamora). Ausgrabungen in den prähistorischen Salzsieden Molino Sanchón II und Santioste”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 53, pp. 85–133. doi:10.34780/b6dk-xt3d.