Der Copo canelado (Portugal, 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.). Ein möglicher Vorläufer des maritimen Glockenbechers



This work is based on the analysis of ceramic using archaeometric techniques: petrographic
microscopy of thin sections, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction
(XRD) and X-ray’s fluorescence of total reflection (TXRF). For this investigation, were
chosen a variety of pottery fragments from the site of Zambujal (Torres Vedras Portugal).
The choice was due to the qualities of archaeological preservation – practically unique in the
region – that the site presents.
This becomes a very important aspect, because archaeometric work (using techniques
of characterization of the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties) had not yet been
realized on the different phases of Chalcolithic occupation in the Portuguese Estremadura,
allowing to identify differences between pastes, as well as, make an estimate of the production
process of ceramics from the extraction of clay to the firing of pottery. Also allowed
to recognize a proximity of the clays used in the manufacture of vessels in all periods of
pre-Beaker and Bell Beaker occupation. This is only a first contribution at local scale (site
of Zambujal), but in the future will provide a body of work to compare to other cases in
the region.


Keramikanalyse, Kupferzeit, portugiesische Estremadura, Archäometrie, kannelierte Keramik, Furchenkeramik, Copo canelado, zylindrisches Gefäß, Glättmuster






Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

de Carvalho-Amaro, G. (2020) “Der Copo canelado (Portugal, 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.). Ein möglicher Vorläufer des maritimen Glockenbechers”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 54, pp. 1–26. doi:10.34780/8npb-ld8n.