Die pflanzlichen Dekorelemente der Elfenbeinskulpturen des Kalifates von Córdoba im Vergleich mit dem westislamischen plastischen Bauschmuck des 10.–12. Jhs.
The comparison presented in this article is based on the one hand on previous studies by the author on the decoration of Madànat az-ZahrÄ’, the Cortijo del Alcaide, the Aljafería, the alcazaba of Balaguer, the almoravide qubba in Marrakesh and Šišawa, on the other hand on a detailed analysis of the vegetal decor elements of the ivory sculptures of the Caliphate of Córdoba which will be published in monographic form. The results of this comparison suggest that a close relationship must have existed between those craftsmen working in ivory and those working in stone. At Madànat az-ZahrÄ’ both groups of craftsmen probably worked side by side, utilizing a shared repertoire of decor elements. The most complex and most advanced elements are only found on ivory objects, however. Apparently, craftsmen working in ivory first assimilated the repertoire of stone sculptors, developed this repertoire further and than inspired in turn the work of stone sculptors.
Islamic ivory sculptures, West islamic architectural decoration, Madànat az-ZahrÄ’