Los estudios de corte filológico sobre la presencia fenicia en la Península Ibérica. La investigación española hasta mediados del s. XX
This article outlines a history of the Spanish philological research on the Phoenician
presence in the Iberian Peninsula. The paper reviews the path of these studies from its first
modern efforts up to the mid-twentieth century.
The 1950s heralded a change in the studies and also saw the creation of the German
Archaeological Institute in Madrid. In fact, this paper comes from a talk given at a conference
on the history and influence of the Instituto Arqueológico Alemán de Madrid. Its aim was
to review the situation of the Spanish research on this topic when the Institute was created
and to analyse the further development of the studies, with a thorough review of previous
research. Here we present the analysis of the early Spanish research on the subject (noting
the most important connexions between pioneer Spanish scholars and German academics).
Phoenicians, Punics, Historiography, Northwest Semitics, Phoenician epigraphy