Al-Minya, Ägypten. Müll im Überfluss in der griechisch-römischen Bergsiedlung in Tuna el-Gebel. Die Kampagnen 2021 und 2022


  • Jessica Izak [Autor/a] Universität Basel, Departement Altertumswissenschaften
  • Ferran Antolín [Autor/a] Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
  • Mélanie C. Flossmann-Schütze [Autor/a] Staatlichen Museum Ägyptischer Kunst München


Archaeobotanical research at the Graeco-roman mountain settlement of ­Petra, in Tuna El-Gebel (Egypt), started in 2021, with a strong focus on the excellently preserved rubbish deposits found as infilling of an inner court of ­a tower house. Plant remains (seeds, fruits, wood, charcoal, leaves, tubers, stems, etc.) and elements made of or containing plant remains (dung ­remains, baskets, mats, textiles, daub, etc.) were recovered in large amounts. The archaeobotanical work so far allowed to identify a large number of useful plants that indicate that the crop diversity available at the site was very rich and benefited from large-distance commercial networks.

Palabras clave:

Abfälle, Archäobotanik, Ernährung, klassische Archäologie






Información bibliográfica y reseñas

Cómo citar

Izak, J., Antolín, F. and Flossmann-Schütze, M.C. (2023) “Al-Minya, Ägypten. Müll im Überfluss in der griechisch-römischen Bergsiedlung in Tuna el-Gebel. Die Kampagnen 2021 und 2022”, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, pp. 1–14 (§). doi:10.34780/6v1q-6wf6.