Kalapodi, Griechenland. Eine Auswahl neuer bedeutender Eisenfunde aus dem Heiligtum des Apollon von Abai/Kalapodi. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2022




During 2022 the processing of iron finds from all campaigns at Kalapodi since 1973 was completed. More than five thousand objects have been studied, some of them up to now unique. Just a few particular pieces found during the latest campaigns are presented here. Waggon wheels, found again also, will be presented elsewhere. A number of votive offerings were recovered on the floor in front of the Late Archaic temples western pediment, including swords and slashing knives. Apparently, they were attached on the wooden beams and columns of the temple, just like the chariot wheels, mentioned above. Tools such as adzes, chisels and axes, which show traces of stone working, were dedicated as votive offerings also. Some metal sheets, brackets and nails, are part of the temples roof construction. The harp, presented here, was found in a Hellenistic layer, and two woodworking chisels originate the first from an Achaic layer, the second from a late or post-Roman context.


sword, single-edged cutting sword, harp, tools, iron from architectural contexts, votiv offering






Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Schmitt, H.-O. (2023) “Kalapodi, Griechenland. Eine Auswahl neuer bedeutender Eisenfunde aus dem Heiligtum des Apollon von Abai/Kalapodi. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2022”, Research E-Papers, pp. 1–7 (§). doi:10.34780/b5w2-cw51.