Los espacios comerciales de Madīnat Qurṭuba en época omeya (ss. VIII-XI): una aproximación desde el registro arqueológico
Una aproximación desde el registro arqueológico
The aim of this paper is to present a state of the art of the spaces related to trade activities of Madīnat Qurṭuba during the Umayyad rule (711-1031). This will be done through analyzing the remains documented in the archaeological excavations developed in the suburbs of the former Andalusi capital. This study compiles the market structures published in recent years, and also presents some others that have been related to this same commercial function by the archaeologists who exhumed them. Finally, a comparative study is carried out to determine the characteristics of these market spaces and structures, which will facilitate their identification both in the archaeological record known so far and in the forthcoming.
Umayyad times, Madīnat Qurṭuba, suq, commercial building, marketplace, archaeological excavations