Espacios y usos de un conjunto aristocrático rural de época visigoda

El yacimiento de Los Hitos (Arisgotas)



Los Hitos (Arisgotas-Orgaz, Toledo) is an exceptional archaeological site located to the south-east of the ancient Visigothic capital of Toledo in central Spain. The archaeological excavations have identified a rural settlement whose morphology and construction units suggest an occupation and usage linked to the late antique elites. This contribution presents and analyses the functionality of the different recovered spaces and proposes an interpretation of the complex in the light of the latest findings reached thanks to an interdisciplinary archaeological methodology.


Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo, Hispania, archaeological excavation, Late Antique architecture, aristocratic rural complex


2022-11-15 — Updated on 2023-01-16




Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Sánchez Ramos, I., Morín de Pablos, J. and Díaz Moreno, M. Ángel (2023) “Espacios y usos de un conjunto aristocrático rural de época visigoda: El yacimiento de Los Hitos (Arisgotas)”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 63, pp. 420–445. doi:10.34780/4q39-4uq3.