Hallazgos de numismática árabe medieval de occidente y su aportación a la historia



  • Juan Rodríguez Lorente [Author]


The author describes one Murâbit type gold dinar struck at Jaén in A.H. 541 in the name of the Muwahhid caliph cAbd al-Mu’min ibn 'All, and two Murâbit gold dinars not published by Hazard, one minted at Zaragoza in A.H. 504 and the other one struck in A.H . 540 at Agmàt in the name of Ibrâhîm ibn-Tàsfin. Furthermore two gold dinars (A.H. 439 and 441) attributed to the Banü’l-Aftas in Badajoz are also described, and finally a silver dirham minted at Valencia in A.H. 404 which is considered to have been struck by the slave ruler Hairàm during the revolutionary period at the fall of the Umayyad caliphate. Some of the numismatic evidence above, serves only to confirm historical facts already well established through other sources, like the occupation of Zaragoza by the Muràbits, whilst other data like the presence of Hairàm in Valencia in A. H. 404 or the Muwahhid occupation of Jaén in A.H. 541, may help to throw some light on the rather obscure history of the respective revolutionary periods.








How to Cite

Rodríguez Lorente, J. (2021) “Hallazgos de numismática árabe medieval de occidente y su aportación a la historia”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 23, pp. 428–439. doi:10.34780/g773-8qdc.