Guarrazar (Provinz Toledo). Bericht zu den Untersuchungen 2002 bis 2005


  • Christoph Eger [Author] (Freie Universität Berlin)


The site of Guarrazar is famous for a treasure of Visigothic time found in 1858, but a part from an excavation in 1859, the site has never been scientifically studied. About the context of the treasure and the settlement of Guarrazar during the Visigothic and Islamic period little has been known so far. From 2002 to 2005 the German Archaeological Institute conducted an investigation of the site, which comprised archaeological and geophysical surveys as well as limited excavations. The pottery collected during the surveys dates fort the most part to the Islamic period. Surprisingly little pottery of the Visigothic period was found. Fragments of Visigothic architectural ornaments and large blocks, which are typical for Visigothic architecture, leave no doubt however, about the settlement and importance of Guarrazar during the sixth and seventh centuries A.D. The geophysical survey indicated extensive structures on the uppermost terrace (terrace 4) and in the eastern part of the site (terrace 3b and the surrounding area). The ground plan of the individual buildings, their function and date cannot be ascertained, however, without extensive excavations. During a limited excavation in 2004 in the area of terrace 2 walls preserved up to a height of 0,7 m were discovered on three layers, the youngest of which dates to the Islamic period (tenth and eleventh centuries A.D.). The remains from this period indicate a rural settlement. While many questions remain, the site where the treasure was found and de los Ríos subsequently conducted excavations could be localized with some certainty. The cemetery with the small mortuary chapel and the site where the treasure was found probably lay in the area of terrace 1 and the lower
part of terrace 2.


Guarrazar, treasure, survey, geophysical survey, Visigothic period, Islamic period, rural settlement






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How to Cite

Eger, C. (2020) “Guarrazar (Provinz Toledo). Bericht zu den Untersuchungen 2002 bis 2005”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 48, pp. 267–305. doi:10.34780/c0jz-d32l.