Espadas miniaturizadas en las necrópolis del Noreste de la Península Ibérica
The presence of miniature swords in several cemeteries of the early Iron Age and the early Iberian period in Catalonia allows a series of interpretations to be made about their use and meaning. The miniatures, which do not exceed 6 cm in length, are related with the emergence of an aristocracy and a social stratification and are a symbol of the social rank of their owners. Their social meaning, which is not related to the actual size of the swords, allows them to be interpreted as indicators of the political and military role of their owners. The article comprises the description of some basic concepts relating to the act of making objects in miniature, a catalogue of the Catalan examples and parallels elsewhere (in real size and in miniature), as well as conclusions on the use of the miniature swords and the role of their function as an indicator of social status.
swords, First Iron Age, Early Iberian Period, Catalonia, symbols of status