De sua pecunia. El paisaje socio-económico de las necrópolis romanas. Apuntes sobre Hispania
This work aims to describe the basic socio-economic background of Hispanic necropolises in the context of the significant increase in the number of broader studies of the economic structures of past cultures in recent years. The main objective is to analyse the structure, functioning and dynamics of the economies of pre-modern societies, and to understand how these interact with the respective geographical, political, social, religious and cultural conditions. A diachronic and transcultural approach is taken, combining various types of source (archaeological, historical, written, epigraphic, anthropological) to deal with topics such as funerary topography, the existence of collegia funeraticia, testamentary dispositions, the contracting of workshops, etc., which form an full socio-economic framework which is of vital importance for understanding the organisation of necropolises and which, until now, had only been treated tangentially, as a minor component of certain studies on funerary architecture.
Economics, funerals, Hispania, de sua pecunia, indicatio pedaturae, locus sepulturae, funus publicum, collegia funeraticia, fines