Los precintos de plomo del Museo de Badajoz y la actividad de las compañías mineras romanas en el sur de Hispania a comienzos de época imperial
A study is made of ten lead Roman seals conserved in the Museo Arqueológico Provincial
de Badajoz (Spain), from the mining districts of Castuera and Azuaga, which document the
activity of two mining companies: the s(ocietas) Ba(---) and the s(ocietas) C(---). These materials
provide new data regarding the participation of the Roman mining companies in the production
of argentiferous galena and, consequently, of lead and silver, in the South of the Iberian
Peninsula at the beginning of the imperial era.
Roman mining, mining companies, metal production, Hispania
Bibliographic Information and Reviews
How to Cite
Antolinos Marín, J.A. and Díaz Ariño, B. (2020) “Los precintos de plomo del Museo de Badajoz y la actividad de las compañías mineras romanas en el sur de Hispania a comienzos de época imperial”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 56, pp. 211–231. doi:10.34780/mm.v56i0.1008.