In memoriam Géza Alföldy (1935-2011)
The life of Prof. Dr. Géza Alföldy (1935-2011), was determined by two research areas. On the one hand the history of the Roman Empire according to social aspects and on the other hand Roman epigraphy especially in the form of inscriptions, here in addition to numerous other Roman provinces also especially the Iberian Peninsula, in the pioneering publication of the ›Roman Inscriptions of Tarraco‹ (1975) flowing into a new edition of the Hispanic inscriptions (CIL II²). He also built up the Heidelberg Epigraphic Database (EDH) significantly. He died on November 6th, 2010 in Athens.
Géza Alföldy (1935-2011), Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (EDH), Iberische Halbinsel, Inschriften, CIL