Die ersten öffentlichen Ausgrabungen in Ampurias (Empúries, L’Escala, Provinz Girona). 1846
In 2008, the centenary of archaeological excavations was celebrated in the Greek-Roman city of Ampurias. This research of the past in particular had great cultural and symbolic importance for the development and self-concept of Catalonia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The present article, however, points out that the actual beginnings of the exploration of the antique city reach back much further. If one focuses in the observation on the excavations funded by public authorities – private ones were common at any time – then scientific diggings had already begun seven decades earlier. The Comisión de Monumentos de Girona, who could count on the financial support of the Diputación provincial, assumed responsibility.
research history, Ampurias (Empúries, L’Escala, Girona), early Christian necropolis