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Author Guidelines

updated version: 15.03.2024

In order to reduce the costs and editorial work involved in preparing our publications for printing, we kindly ask you to read the following instructions carefully and to observe them when writing your contributions.

With volume 72, 2022, the Istanbuler Mitteilungen will be published in the new journal model that spans all editorial offices of the DAI. In addition to the printed book, two free digital versions (PDF and DAI Journal-Viewer) will be published simultaneously. The responsive viewer format enables interactive texts that are linked to the resources of In this context, direct references can be made to images from Arachne (iDAI.objects), bibliographic entries in Zenon (iDAI.bibliography) and the geoserver (iDAI.gazetteer).

Manuscripts can be submitted to the editorial office at any time. The editorial deadline for Istanbuler Mitteilungen is 15 January; the publication usually appears in the next possible volume, which is published in the spring of the following year. If a volume is full, contributions can be postponed to a later volume. Please contact the Istanbul editorial office at the latest in the autumn before submission.

Each contribution has to be completed and in typeset condition. This applies equally to text, annotations, illustrations, supplements, captions, figure credits, etc. Manuscripts that do not meet the general linguistic standards and formal requirements will be returned to the author for revision!

The Istanbuler Mitteilungen is a peer-reviewed journal. In this process, all submitted manuscripts undergo a review by external reviewers after a pre-selection by the editors. The review process is anonymised; authors and reviewers are not named to each other or to third parties outside our organisation. One section of each volume of Istanbuler Mitteilungen is reserved for current short text messages (no longer than six manuscript pages). Short text messages do not have to undergo the peer review process and are only reviewed by the editors and publishers.

1. The manuscript

Please submit the typeset manuscript digitally. A text written in Word in Microsoft Word docx format is preferred. There are several options for submission:

  • For smaller amounts of data via our e-mail address:
  • For larger data please use Cumulus or another file hosting service
  • Or use our online publication portal. You must first register there as an ›author‹. You can then submit your text and image material to us electronically. If you have any questions or technical problems, please contact
  • The text of all contributions must be formatted as follows:
    Font size: 12 point (using Times or a comparable font). Please do not use exotic fonts, line spacing: one and a half lines ; font size footnote text: 10 point (spacing: 1 line).
    The headings are marked according to their value, preferably by using style sheets. A maximum of three heading levels can be used. Please pay attention to a sensible hierarchy.
    Additional formatting of the text should be largely avoided, i.e. no manually inserted separations, better ragged margin than justified type, no additional type styles such as italic, bold or underlined. Never use automatic hyphens as separators and avoid unnecessary spaces. For indents, the tabulator is suitable.
  • Notes/footnotes are counted through the entire work.
  • Each contribution will be supplemented by summaries (max. 200 words, please without paragraphs!) and keywords (max. 5). Please send us these preferably in German, English and Turkish. If possible, the keywords should be taken from the thesaurus.
  • Link your contribution to resources:
    important topographical terms with gazetteer
    important objects/monuments with arachne
    all references with zenon (if the publication is available).
    In addition, if you have used an e-medium, you can also send us the corresponding DOI.
  • Each of the resources mentioned provides useful information on how to use the corresponding under the ›help‹ tab.

The abbreviation lists and guidelines for publications of the German Archaeological Institute must be strictly observed. Please use the information available in German and English on the editorial homepage as a guide when writing your text.

We would like to emphasise a few important characteristics of the text and footnote layout:

  • Due to better implementability in the new layout, we would ask you to only use the author-year system as a citation system.
  • Places of publication are to be indicated (in the language of the article). If the main text is written in German, i.e. Munich ⟶ München; Rome ⟶ Rom; etc. should be indicated.
  • Page citation is not permitted (exception: only one subsequent page is given with f., i.e. p. 34–35 becomes 34 f.), instead concrete numerical sections are to be mentioned (in the case of illustrations, f. should be completely omitted, therefore e.g. fig. 34. 35)
  • Initials of authors' first names should be followed by a space after each point (e.g. C. W. M. Cox)
  • Name suffixes such as »von«, »van«, »de«, etc. should be placed in the bibliography with the surname (e.g. »von den Hoff« should be categorised under »H«); however, if the suffix is written with a capital letter, the name should be placed accordingly (e.g. »De la Bédoyère« should be placed under »D«).
  • Footnooting numbers are always placed before the punctuation mark in the text (e.g. Curtius, who comes to a different conclusion1, means ...).
  • Footnotes cannot be placed in headings!
  • Line breaks are not possible in the footnotes!
  • When referring to several illustrations in the article, do not use a dash, but list each figure number ⟶ fig. 1. 2. 3
  • Words/passages in the sense of so-called are indicated in single inverted commas or preceded by the so-called (e.g. the so-called Gymnasiumsthermen = the ›Gymnasiumsthermen‹).
  • Literal quotations must be set in double inverted commas »…«.
  • Quotations from Latin sources should to be given in italic script, so that no further inverted commas are necessary. Quotations from Greek sources should not be italic script, as the letters themselves stand out from the typeface.
  • Latin technical terms and commonly used Latin words should not be in italic script, therefore: status quo, terminus ante quem, porticus, in situ, etc.
  • As a general rule: as little italic typesetting as possible!
  • Catalogue numbers are separated from each other in the continuous text by a full stop (e.g. cat. 2. 3. 5. 7. 9)
  • Ordinal numbers should be superscripted in French, in English they can be superscripted (e.g. 1ère, 1st); a uniform system should be followed!
  • The break (en dash) is to be used for number and letter lines without spaces (e.g. 400–380 BC; p. 34–42; fig. 15–59)
  • The mathematical multiplication sign × (00D7 Unicode) is to be used in place of the letter x with a space before/after it.
  • Non-breaking spaces shall be used in the following cases (non-breaking spaces are set like this: in Word Ctrl + Shift + Space; in macOS Alt + Space).

    Between (a selection):

    a. O.

    v. Chr.

    n. Chr.

    s. u.

    s. v.

    z. B.

    m. E.

    z. T.

    u. a.

    d. h.

    n. l.

    n. r.

    Preceding (a selection):













    Following (a selection):













    Following (especially in English):













    No non-breaking spaces (especially in English):







2. Text illustrations

Based on cost alone, sparse use of illustration is advised. Illustrations are placed in the running text, plates and supplements are omitted. If the article is (too) large, it is possible to include a digital supplement (e.g. find catalogues, 3D models, etc.). The material is part of the review process together with the article. A reference to the supplement and/or individual data sets should be included in the main text. If a digital supplement is required, please get in contact with the editorial team early!

  • If multi-parted illustrations are necessary, a rough layout should be provided by the author (i.e. approximate placement for the illustrations, arrangement of the photographs, size etc.), which the DAI editors and the publisher will take under consideration during the course of determining the final layout, if at all possible. Alternatively, the author can also mark in the body text where an illustration should be placed: ## place fig. 1 here in the width of the type area ##
  • Photographs of small finds should be to scale.
  • Line drawings, plans and sketches are to be delivered in high quality (see below).
  • Plans and maps should have a visible scale and a north-point. Any additional markings or notes are to be placed in the legend.
  • All photos, drawings and plans must be accompanied by a separate list of illustrations. The author's publication rights for all illustrations are assumed by the editors and must be verifiable for the exact image upon request. This does not only apply to copyrights – the rights of third parties (museums, authorities, excavations and other institutions) must also be respected and publication permits must be verifiable for an unlimited period of time and space and for print and digital distribution (in the context of the publication). All consequences of non-existing rights shall be borne by the author.
  • For all illustrations and supplements, captions (and legends, if applicable) must be prepared by the author and supplied in a separate file.
  • Tables are treated as figures in terms of numbering and must be included in the figure numbering accordingly. They can be placed in the text at the designated position.
  • Each article is preceded by a full-page start image, which, however, is not included in the figure numbering. Please send us a separate image with your own image reference and caption. A transparent colour layer with the abstract will be placed above the start image, which will push the image statement somewhat into the background. This should be taken into account when selecting the image.

3. Printing

  • Names (with academic titles) and addresses of all authors must be provided to the editors for each article. In addition, we recommend the use of ORCID and ROR IDs for unique identification.
  • The 1st proof is forwarded to the authors for review. If there are several co-authors, it should be determined who is responsible for the proof. The corrections will be sent to the editorial team as a PDF (e.g. via the PDF comment function). Simultaneously with the 1st proof, you will also receive your publication contracts.
  • Additions to the manuscript by the authors are no longer possible at the latest with the production of the first proof. Minor changes and small additions to the text should also be avoided in the first proof. From the second proof onwards, this must be dispensed with completely.
  • The editors reserve the right to reject correction requests from the author and to make corrections in the text up to the last proof.

4. The submission of illustrations

  • Images should be submitted digitally in TIFF format. If possible, labels in the image (such as scales, north arrows) and colour markings and highlights should be left in separate layers (to allow for subsequent corrections). When creating images, keep in mind their final printing size and adjust line widths, captions, etc. to this size so that everything is readable and visible.
  • Line drawing should have a resolution of 1200 dpi, photos 300 dpi. Please note that this value must relate to the intended print size.
  • Graphic files in vector format from common illustration programmes can be submitted: Free-Hand and Adobe Illustrator are preferred. Graphics from CAD and GIS programmes should be supplied as PDF or TIFF.
  • When submitting all images, please refrain from using exotic file names and structure the respective file name as follows: IM_72_2022_Niewoehner_et_al_fig_1

If you have any further questions, please contact us, preferably by email:  

To ensure that your mail is considered even if a member of staff is absent, please address your messages to the:

Deutsche Archäologische Institut
İnönü Caddesi 10
TR–34437 Istanbul – Gümüşsuyu

Submission Preparation Checklist

Alle Einreichungen müssen die folgenden Anforderungen erfüllen.

  • Der Beitrag ist bisher unveröffentlicht und wurde auch keiner anderen Zeitschrift vorgelegt
  • Die Forschungsarbeiten und deren Publikation wurden von den zuständigen Altertümerverwaltungen sowie der Grabungs-/Projektleitung genehmigt.
  • Artikel sollten einen Umfang von 100.000 Zeichen möglichst nicht übersteigen.
  • Alle Abbildungen sind fortlaufend nummeriert und werden im Text zitiert.
  • Geben Sie die gewünschten Bildbreiten an. Folgende Bildbreiten sind möglich: 4,1 cm, 6,28 cm, 8,5 cm, 10,76 cm, 13 cm, 17,5 cm. Für maßstäbliche Karten, Pläne und Fundzeichnungen sind abweichende Größen möglich; hier muss unbedingt eine Maßstabsleiste im Bild eingefügt sein. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob Legenden/Beschriftungen in der gewünschten Bildendgröße gut lesbar sind. Fügen Sie Beschriftungen möglichst auf separaten Ebenen ein, so dass ggf. noch Änderungen vorgenommen werden können. 
  • Digitales Supplement: Es ist möglich, dem Artikel begleitende Dokumentation (Fundkataloge, Messdaten, 3D-Modelle) als digitales Supplement beizufügen. Diese Inhalte müssen zusammen mit dem Artikel eingereicht werden und sind Teil des Begutachtungsprozesses. Im Haupttext muss ein Verweis auf das Supplement und/oder einzelne Datensätze enthalten sein.
  • Für das Begutachtungsverfahren ist eine anonymisierte Fassung des Manuskripts sowie eine Datei mit einer Zusammenstellung der Abbildungen jeweils als PDF-Datei beizufügen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Informationen, die Hinweise auf die Autorschaft geben, entfernt wurden (Name, Institutszugehörigkeit, Danksagungen).
  • Abbildungsnachweis: Bitte geben Sie für jede Abbildung einen separaten Bildnachweis an; zusammenfassende Angaben für mehrere Abbildungen sind nicht möglich. Es muss für jede Abbildung neben den Bildgebern/Rechteinhabern (Museum, Antikenbehörde usw.) der Urheber (Fotograf, Zeichner) genannt werden.
  • Für alle Fotos, Zeichnungen und sonstige urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke wurden die Nutzungsrechte eingeholt. Auch für eigene Aufnahmen von Objekten, die z. B. in Museen angefertigt wurden, muss in der Regel das Einverständnis des Hausrechtsinhabers eingeholt werden. Der Beitrag wird parallel zur gedruckten Version kostenfrei online publiziert (als PDF und Journal-Viewer-Ausgabe). Benötigt werden daher einfache, räumlich und zeitlich unbeschränkte Nutzungsrechte für die Druckausgabe und die digitalen Ausgaben.

Privacy Statement

Namen und E-Mail-Adressen, die auf den Webseiten der Zeitschrift eingegeben werden, werden ausschließlich zu den angegebenen Zwecken verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben.