Berlin, Deutschland/Olympia, Griechenland. Digital Roofs. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2020 und 2021

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The project »digital roofs« has three goals: (1) to develop and test new methods for the digital documentation of roof tile finds, (2) to facilitate the processing and dissemination of unpublished roof tile assemblages and (3) to compile a compendium of well-documented comparative finds. Several departments of the German Archaeological Institute are working together to achieve these goals. The main project, based in Berlin, has developed ­procedures, methods and techniques that are being tested, discussed and refined on current projects (carried out) by the departments in Athens and Rome.


Architektur, Dächer, Dachziegel, Dokumentation, Elektronische Datenverarbeitung



Bibliographische Daten & Rezensionen

Citation Formats

Fless, F. und Rheeder, A. (2021) „Berlin, Deutschland/Olympia, Griechenland. Digital Roofs. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2020 und 2021“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 1–8 (§). doi: 10.34780/wh1d-1k67.