Milet, Türkei. Marmor in Milet der Kaiserzeit. Bericht über die archäometrische Studie. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2018 bis 2022

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The report presents the archaeometrical methods used to provenance the marble building material used to adorn the city of Miletus. Within the framework of the DFG-funded research project (TO1102/1-1), more than 440 ­archaeological and geological samples were examined during the period 2018 to 2022, and each was provided with an archaeometric dataset containing numerical parameters and descriptively recorded properties, which ­serves as the basis for a multivariate provenance analysis of the marble. In addition, two collections of geological material and archaeological samples were recorded: the legacy of Klaus Germann (TU-Berlin), which is now preserved at the Antikensammlung in Berlin, and the collection of Gregor Borg stored at the Martin-Luther-University of Halle.


Archäometrie, Marmor



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Citation Formats

Toma, N. (2023) „Milet, Türkei. Marmor in Milet der Kaiserzeit. Bericht über die archäometrische Studie. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2018 bis 2022“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 1–19 (§). doi: 10.34780/5cb1-3x71.