Tayma, Saudi-Arabien. Funeräre Landschaften, Kontakte und Mobilität in der Bronzezeit Nordwestarabiens (3.–2. Jt. v. Chr.). Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2021


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In the second season of systematic investigations in the cemeteries of Rujum Sa‘sa‘ south of the Tayma Oasis, interdisciplinary research by archaeologists and bioarchaeologists on built tombs of the Early to Middle Bronze Age (3rd and 2nd millennia BC) continued. In addition to the seven graves excavated in the previous season, 11 circular graves were investigated for the first time and bioarchaeological analysis of the human bone material continued. One of the most important results is that the circular graves show a greater architectural diversity than previously expected, indicating a pronounced ­social differentiation. For the first time, a structure known as a ›pendant‹ or ›keyhole‹ was excavated in Tayma amidst the circular graves.



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Citation Formats

Hausleiter, A. (2023) „Tayma, Saudi-Arabien. Funeräre Landschaften, Kontakte und Mobilität in der Bronzezeit Nordwestarabiens (3.–2. Jt. v. Chr.). Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2021“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 1–29 (§). doi: 10.34780/3uea-e1bm.