A Danubian Epitaph Reconsidered

CLE 1.620 Francus ego...




This article provides a holistic reevaluation of the inscription Francus ego civis Romanus miles in armis / Egregia virtute tuli bello mea dextera semper. On the longstanding question of how to punctuate the first verse, it argues in favour of a division at the penthemimeral caesura after civis on the basis of a comparison with other epigraphic material. It suggests an emendation of the second line to tuli<t> bell<um>, treating mea dextera as the subject. Several literary facets of the text are discussed, showing that the poet, despite the hypermetrical foot in the second verse, was not without sophistication and that an implicit commitment to Romanitas was advanced through the poetic form of this Frank’s epitaph.


Mots-clés :

Romanitas, Franks, dactylic epigraphy, Epitaph, ethnicity






Informations bibliographiques et critiques

Comment citer

Westenholz, W. (2025) « 620 Francus ego.  »., Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 54, p. 1–18. doi:10.34780/ne021q65.