Il Chronicon Romanum: il suo posto nella cronografia, e dietro le tabulae Iliacae
On the back of two tabulae Iliacae, 18L and 22 Getty, a chronographical work known as the Chronicon Romanum appears. The following analysis is elaborated on two levels. From a formal point of view, the composition and the organization of the text are investigated on the basis of a new autopsy of 18L. As regards content, the emphasis is placed on the historiographical and chronographical tradition in which the document can be inserted. A contextualization of the composition of the text at the time of Tiberius allows the appreciation of its original character, in which the events are dated by calculating how many years have elapsed between the event itself and the composition of the chronography (15/16 AD). It is suggested that, among the different possibilities, the choice of this system reveals a precise celebratory aim. In the appendix are comments on a similar work, on papyrus, which was recently published (AfP 58, 2010).
Tabulae Iliacae, Tiberius, Germanicus, Chronography, Parian marble, Dating according to Olympics