Papiers de Sherard, copies de Hochepied, schedae de Duker: contribution à l’histoire des copies manuscrites des inscriptions de Téos


  • Étienne Famerie [Author]


Several inscriptions from Teos are known through the copies of W. Sherard (1709), H. van der Horst (1719) and Ph. Le Bas (1843–1844). Two other individuals, the diplomat J. de Hochepied and the scholar C. A. Duker, appear in the same dossier, although their role has often been neglected by editors. Detailed examination of the copies and editions of the letter of M. Valerius Messalla to the city (RDGE, 34; 193 BC) allows us to draw new conclusions about the exact role which J. de Hochepied and C. A. Duker played in the transmission of the texts to the editor Fr. Hessel (Antiquae inscriptiones…, 1731) and about the close relations between de Hochepied and Sherard at Smyrna. These conclusions allow us to clarify the history of manuscript copies of other inscriptions now lost.


Teos, early travellers, manuscript tradition, Sherard, J. de Hochepied, H. van der Horst, C. A. Duker






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How to Cite

Famerie, Étienne (2017) “Papiers de Sherard, copies de Hochepied, schedae de Duker: contribution à l’histoire des copies manuscrites des inscriptions de Téos”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 37, pp. 65–88. doi:10.34780/aec9-9a62.