La formula ἐν πατρικοῖς nelle iscrizioni di Cassandrea
Based on the comparison in the analysis of A. Bresson and M. Hatzopoulos, the inscriptions SEG 28, 619 and 620 from Cassandreia will be re-examined with reference to the expression ἐν πατρικοῖς. These have been considered until now only as examples of δωρεαί. While Hatzopoulos’ interpretation seems more convincing, an attempt shall be made to better describe the possible institutional context in which the two inscriptions were produced and in which the relationship between person and land was defined. For at least one of these inscriptions, a fundamental component in this respect was the institution of the kleruchia, as is apparent from existing evidence not only in Macedonia under the Diadochi, but also in other kingdoms and from the political reality in Hellenistic times.
Cassandreia, Cassander, kleruchia, donations, property, land, hereditary