Weihungen an Iupiter Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus, Venus und Merkur in Beirut und in Obergaliläa



  • Werner Eck [Author]


For a dedication to Iupiter Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus, Venus and Mercury from Khorvat Hesheq in Upper Galilee, published in 1990, a fundamentally changed reading will be proposed here. This for the most part unremarkable text is interesting, because the centurion of the Roman army who set up this dedication gives only the initials of his Roman tria nomina: C. V. R. This is attested also in two other dedications by the same person, one to the same gods, one to I. O. M. Heliopolitanus alone, from the vicinity of Beirut and of Dura Europos. This was, therefore, an intentional act, but not a unique one, though, as there are known parallels from other provinces.


Divine triad of Beirut, dedication, onomastics, abbreviation of the tria nomina, Dura Europos, Khorvat Hesheq, centurion





Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Eck, W. (1970) “Weihungen an Iupiter Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus, Venus und Merkur in Beirut und in Obergaliläa”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 40, pp. 175–186. doi:10.34780/4nq2-g4m5.