Neue griechische Schleuderbleie. Tissaphernes und weitere Kommandeure
Private collections in particular provide an abundance of unpublished sling bullets, a material often neglected within the scholarship. In this article several mostly unknown bullets of obscure provenance shall be presented and discussed, among them three belonging to Tissaphernes. Further sling bullets are discussed as well. Methodologically, the possibilities and limits of our understanding of the issue are treated, as well as the question concerning the specific function in battle of labels and signs.
sling bullets, lead, names of commanders, Tissaphernes, onomastics, Thessalian names, labels kalos and horaios, emblems, multi-prong forkDownloads
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How to Cite
Weiss, P. and Draskowski, N. (1970) “Neue griechische Schleuderbleie. Tissaphernes und weitere Kommandeure”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 40, pp. 123–154. doi:10.34780/56wt-4g1c.