Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens XIII: Die Weinbergstiftung eines ptolemäischen Burgkommandanten von Limyra
Publication of a Hellenistic inscribed stele from the fortress of Limyra: The commander of the Ptolemaic mercenary garrison donates his vineyard to the local Basilistai in August/September 199. This allows for a new perspective on the land ownership rights of such soldiers. The purpose of the endowment is the establishment of a feast for Ptolemy V and of a funerary cult for the donor. The double, Alexandrian and Lycian date of the document further permits a comparative examination of these two unsynchronised ‹Macedonian› calendars. Finally, the Sarapis cult of the Sarapiasts reveals another side of the loyalist-social activities of Ptolemaic soldiers in Lycia.
Limyra, Lycia, Ptolemaic Empire, Mercenaries, Calendar, Royal cult