Arbeiten in Milet in den Jahren 2012 bis 2016. Chronik, neue Befunde aus antiker, byzantinischer und türkischer Zeit sowie Denkmalpflege
This paper first chronicles five more years of work at Miletus and then presents the following new, as yet unpublished findings: An excavation in front of the theatre cave has unearthed the foundations of a significant building that probably dates from the Hellenistic period, as well as several Byzantine ruins (A. Vacek). Investigation of the Byzantine city walls from the Invasion period has led to the discovery of a minor gate, probably a sally port (S. Giese). On Humeitepe, a small Turkish mosque or so-called mescit has been discovered (Ph. Niewöhner). A survey on Humeitepe confirms the ancient settlement history of this urban area through the analysis of small finds (Ch. Berns - S. Huy). New palynological findings improve our understanding of the Byzantine settlement history in the vicinity and the hinterland of the city (A. Izdebski). In addition, the paper also reports extensive site management and conservation work. The former includes new visitor paths, display panels, and guide books. The latter has resulted in a new presentation of the Bishop's Palace as well as structural consolidation of the Baths of Faustina, where they were at risk of collapse (Ph. Niewöhner).
Hellenism, site management and conservation, mosque, palynology, city walls