Finds from Miletus XXI. Three Types of Archaic Banded Amphorae from Miletus


  • Iulian Birzescu [Author]


In this study three types of Archaic amphorae from Miletus are considered – the Byblos and Oikus type and a type of small banded amphorae.The latter is characterised by painted stripe decoration. In form and dimensions the first two types are related to the large unpainted transport amphorae. Their widespread distribution also covers southern Italy, the Near East and the Black Sea region. The third type can be classified with table amphorae, which are known above all from specimens with figured painting. Most of the banded amphorae originate from the Sanctuary of Aphrodite of Oikus before the gates of Miletus on Zeytintepe; for the first time several specimens have been completely reconstructed. A dipinto shows that these amphorae were also produced for the sanctuary. Thanks to their number and variety, banded amphorae contribute to a better understanding of Archaic pottery in one of the important Archaic poleis.


Miletus, Archaic period, ceramic production, banded-ware, amphorae





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How to Cite

Birzescu, I. (2014) “Finds from Miletus XXI. Three Types of Archaic Banded Amphorae from Miletus”, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1, pp. 121–134. doi:10.34780/k7dn-done.