The Fragment of an Unusual Attic Meleager Sarcophagus (?) in Durrës
The fragment of an unusual large and magnificent Attic sarcophagus was found in Durrës in 2007. From the front only the figure of a hunting servant with exomis is preserved and from the right side the figure of a young woman sitting on a rock between two trees, an oak tree on the corner and an apple tree. The combination of the motifs of hunting and nature suggests the woman may be seen as Atalante. It is an unusual figure. Perhaps reference is made to her youth in Arcadia. Alternatively, one could think of a Hesperid which would be complemented by Herakles on the destroyed half. Stylistic comparisons allow a dating of the fragment to the middle of the 3rd century A.D. Among the imported sarcophagi in Dyrrachium and Apollonia, Attic sarcophagi formed the largest group. Some unknown fragments can also be added from Apollonia. The nature of the original setting in the necropolis is still unknown, but they are likely to be connected with corresponding grave districts and structures, some remains of which are preserved from the two cities mentioned.
Attic sarcophagus, Atalante, Hesperid, Imperial-period necropoleis, Dyrrachium and Apollonia