The River Harbour of Perge. A Geoarchaeological Survey Solves an Old Problem
As part of the DFG project investigating the pre-Roman settlement history of Perge in Pamphylia, and in close cooperation between archaeologists and geographers, the river harbour mentioned by Strabo has been located on what today is the river Aksu. The area between Perge and the ancient river Kestros was studied from the archaeological as well as geoarchaeological point of view. This area was selected for investigation on account of what is known about earlier settlements on the acropolis of Perge, commencing in the Chalcolithic and already urban in character in the Archaic era, and also in view of the orientation of the main road from the acropolis eastward towards the Kestros, discernible since the Classical era. Results from geological corings and archaeological surveys led to an understanding of the geomorphological situation, to the clarification of the course of the Kestros, which is identical to that of the Aksu except for a few meander loops and oxbows, and also to the discovery of the ancient harbour settlement near the modern-day village of Solak. In addition, a number of tombs were found along with a small sanctuary on the street between the harbour and the acropolis of Perge.Keywords:
Perge, Pamphylia, river harbour, geoarchaeology, acropolis
Bibliographic Information and Reviews
How to Cite
Martini, W., Brückner, H., Eschbach, N., Kelterbaum, D. and Recke, M. (2017) “The River Harbour of Perge. A Geoarchaeological Survey Solves an Old Problem”, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1, pp. 163–179. doi:10.34780/e62f-i742.