Ceramics from Meroë and Hamadab. Report on the First Results of Classification by Re-firing (MGR Analysis) and Chemical Analysis (WD-XRF)
So far, 143 ceramic samples from the area of the so-called Royal Baths at Meroë and the urban settlement of Hamadab have been classified according to their composition. The methods applied were MGR analysis by the re-firing of small ceramic fragments at 1100 to 1200 °C, wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (WD-XRF) and thin-section analysis. This classification will serve as the basis for the archaeological examination of the pottery. The analyses revealed an unexpectedly great diversity in the raw materials used at both locations. By means of comparison with clay samples from the region, the clay types in use can be identified as locally available alluvial Nile clays, Wadi clays and pale-firing kaolinitic clays. At Meroë as well as Hamadab alluvial Nile clays were used predominantly, but differing varieties of Wadi clay were used too. To the extent that the analysed samples are representative – and the number of them is still small considering the great variety of types – no vessels of kaolinitic clays have been recovered from the area of the so-called Royal Baths at Meroë. Three clay types very different from them characterize the analysed six imported vessels.
Meroë, Hamadab, ceramics, archaeometry, re-firing