Olympische Forschungen

Olympia was one of the most important Pan-Hellenic shrines of Greco-Roman antiquity, which brought the entire ancient world together for peaceful competition with the Olympic sports competitions every four years. The excavations carried out by the German Archaeological Institute since 1875, which are considered groundbreaking for modern archaeology, have now uncovered almost the entire sanctuary with its numerous representative buildings for cults and sports. This creates the opportunity not only to study the spatial extent of a central ancient cult site, but also to gain an idea of ​​the historical development of the place. In the Olympische Forschungen, individual monuments, groups of finds and excavation results, which are based on the reports of the excavations in Olympia, are presented in detailed monographic studies. The finds and findings date from the period from the prehistoric to the early Byzantine era.

from volume 34:
Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
Tauernstr. 11
D-65199 Wiesbaden

Volume 1–33:
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Genthiner Straße 13
D-10785 Berlin

Responsible editorial office/editors
Editorial office
Head Office Berlin (Zentrale Berlin)

Oliver Pilz, Helmut Kyrieleis and Hans-Joachim Gehrke

Find all volumes in ZENON

Online ISSN 2569-6394
Print ISSN 0474-1242

All Books

Band 05

Die Werkstatt des Pheidias in Olympia: Erster Teil

Emil Kunze (Volume editor); Alfred Mallwitz, Wolfgang Schiering (Author)
May 9, 2018
Band 01

Olympische Forschungen

Emil Kunze, Hans Schleif (Volume editor); Hans Weber, Willy Zschietzschmann, Hans Karl Süsserott (Chapter Author)
May 9, 2018
Cover Olympische Forschungen 34
Band 34

Olympia in frühbyzantinischer Zeit: Siedlung, landwirtschaftliches Gerät, Grabfunde, Spolienmauer

Thomas Völling, Holger Baitinger, Sabine Ladstätter, Arno Rettner (Author); Martin Miller (Chapter Author); Ulrich Sinn (Volume editor)
March 13, 2023
Band 04

Löwenkopf-Wasserspeier vom Dach des Zeustempels

Emil Kunze (Volume editor); Franz Willemsen (Author)
May 4, 2018
Band 03

Dreifusskessel von Olympia: Alte und Neue Funde

Emil Kunze (Volume editor); Franz Willemsen (Author)
May 9, 2018
Band 02

Archaische Schildbänder

Emil Kunze (Author)
January 22, 2019