Hermes Propylaios and Related Matters

in: Heiligtümer im Bereich von Stadtmauern und Stadttoren: Festkolloquium aus Anlass des 100jährigen Jubiläums der Kerameikosgrabung des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in Athen. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Athen, 8. April 2014

Liste des contributeurs-trices

  • Michael Weissl [Auteur du chapitre]


Original title: Hermes Propylaios und Verwandtes

Abstract The points of departure in the archaeological investigation of gate deities and sanctuaries at the gates in Greece are surviving images of deities in city gates and propyla and also written sources that can be associated with such images. Hermes, Hekate and Apollo are named relatively frequently as divine guardians of gates, as too is Artemis along with local heroes. Shaft-shaped and phallic representations like those of Hermes, Priapos or Apollo Agyieus seem to be particularly suitable as gate keepers, also in view of globally disseminated analogies. Lastly Herakles, in the form of images and in inscriptions, gains increasing popularity as a god that also protects entrances. In general, however, Greek gate architecture gets by without special gate guardian figures such as are characteristic of the monumental architecture of the Ancient Near East and Egypt. Inscribed amulets on doors and gateways, which have a long tradition in eastern civilizations, take over the function of guardian figures in the Graeco-Roman world above all from the imperial period onwards.

Keywords Gate deities, gate sanctuaries, apotropaia, herms, inscribed amulets


January 9, 2023
