Doric capitals and column drums from Modi in Phocis

in: ANCIENT PHOKIS: New approaches to its history, archaeology and topography International conference, DAI Athens, 30 March – 1 April 2017

Autoría y colaboradores/as

  • Nils Hellner [Autor/a]
  • David Scahill [Autor/a]


Abstract The remains of two Doric capitals and two column drums belonging to a Doric building are known from the village of Modi, which is located in the valley of Phocis north of Mount Parnassos. The find spot of these remains is just north of the Kephissos river in the valley below the modern village, where many Corinthian roof tiles and other materials are visible on the surface of the fields. The four Doric fragments were examined and documented in only two days in spring 2017. The initial findings indicate that the dimensions of the capitals and drums are consistent with those of a temple. We present the first results of our study, including details of the architectural members along with an analysis of their chronological indications and implications for a potential Doric temple in this area of Phocis.

Keywords Doric architecture, digital photogrammetry, capital proportions, mid-5th century B.C.


June 1, 2024
