Ancient Phokis: New approaches to its history, archaeology and topography. International Conference, DAI Athens, 30 March – 1 April 2017

List of Contributors


This volume of the International Conference held in Athens in 2017, jointly organised by the German Archaeological Institute and the École Française d‘Athènes, brings together for the first time a cross-section of current research on ancient Phokis.
As a region in the heart of ancient Greece, Phokis was of central importance for transport and travel. Politically and culturally, it was therefore often exposed to the interests and influences of neighbouring powers. A considerable number of mostly small poleis shaped the political landscape. In Delphi and Abai (Kalapodi), two oracles exercised an early impact far beyond the borders of the country. A substantial amount of recent fieldwork has contributed significantly to expanding our picture of ancient Phokis. The 32 papers collected in this volume cover the time span from the Iron Age to the Early Byzantine period. They address topics ranging from historical issues to settlement archaeology, sacred topography, material culture and the architectural design of the sanctuaries; from analyses of individual matters and broad material genres, to enquiries into aspects of a particular ›Phokian‹ identity. Thus, for the first time, a broad overview of the previous research tradition, desiderata, and new perspectives for future research into ancient Phokis is provided.





June 1, 2024


Bibliographic Information and Reviews