Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo

The Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo (SDAIK), published at irregular intervals since 1975, cover the broader field of archaeology, history, and culture in Egypt, with subjects related to projects of the Cairo Department and beyond.

Volume 42 onwards:
Harrassowitz Verlag
Kreuzberger Ring 7c-d
D-65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim 

Volumes 33–41:
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Genthiner Straße 13
D-10785 Berlin

Volumes 1–32:
Verlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH (today part of the Verlag Herder GmbH: wbg – Wissen verbindet)
Hermann-Herder-Str. 4
D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau

Responsible editorial office/editors
Editorial Office
Cairo Department

Dietrich Raue and Ralph Bodenstein

Guidelines for Authors
Manuscripts can be submitted in German, English, or French and must be complete and ready for typesetting upon submission. This applies equally to text, figures, sources of illustrations, etc. The author is responsible for the content, obtaining publication permissions for figures, and proofreading text and citations. Manuscripts that do not meet the general linguistic standards and formal requirements will be returned to the author for revision before review. The guidelines for manuscript preparation are available here. The type area in standard format is 160 × 238.1 mm (column width 77.5 mm, spacing between columns 5 mm). For enquiries concerning manuscript submission, please refer to

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Print ISSN 1868-9450

All Books

SDAIK 39 Cover

Vernacular Architecture as Frame of Life in Historic and Ancient Communities: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Berlin in April 4 to 7 2019

Bernadeta Schäfer, Hermann Schlimme, Fatma Keshk, Shoukry Roweis, Stamatina Kousidi, Lisa Nevett, Nancy L. Klein, Kevin T. Glowacki, Irene Ruiz Bazán, Chiara L. M. Occelli, Marta Rota, Mahnaz Ashrafi, Mariam Shamsipour, Samaneh M. Hosseinabadi, Farshid Nasrabadi, Heba Shama, Kareem Ibrahim, Ilona Regulski, Marcus Jaeger, Maher Habbob, Yasmin Elnour, Mamdouh Sakr, Wolfgang Mayer, Olga Zenker, Eva-Maria Bauer (Chapter Author)
November 26, 2023