Vernacular Architecture as Frame of Life in Historic and Ancient Communities: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Berlin in April 4 to 7 2019

List of Contributors

  • Bernadeta Schäfer [Chapter Author]
  • Hermann Schlimme [Chapter Author]
  • Fatma Keshk [Chapter Author]
  • Shoukry Roweis [Chapter Author]
  • Stamatina Kousidi [Chapter Author]
  • Lisa Nevett [Chapter Author]
  • Nancy L. Klein [Chapter Author]
  • Kevin T. Glowacki [Chapter Author]
  • Irene Ruiz Bazán [Chapter Author]
  • Chiara L. M. Occelli [Chapter Author]
  • Marta Rota [Chapter Author]
  • Mahnaz Ashrafi [Chapter Author]
  • Mariam Shamsipour [Chapter Author]
  • Samaneh M. Hosseinabadi [Chapter Author]
  • Farshid Nasrabadi [Chapter Author]
  • Heba Shama [Chapter Author]
  • Kareem Ibrahim [Chapter Author]
  • Ilona Regulski [Chapter Author]
  • Marcus Jaeger [Chapter Author]
  • Maher Habbob [Chapter Author]
  • Yasmin Elnour [Chapter Author]
  • Mamdouh Sakr [Chapter Author]
  • Wolfgang Mayer [Chapter Author]
  • Olga Zenker [Chapter Author]
  • Eva-Maria Bauer [Chapter Author]


This volume presents a selection of the papers presented at the international conference “Vernacular Architecture as Frame of Life in Historic and Ancient Societies”, held in Berlin in 2019 as part of the DFG-project „Nubian Architecture“. Researchers and experts from all over the world presented and discussed case studies of vernacular architecture from different periods and cultures, with a special focus on Nubia. The academic and artistic examination of vernacular architecture has a long tradition. European vernacular architecture first gained widespread interest during the Romantic period of the 19th century, when it was (mis)understood as the preserver of the „national soul“. Early modernists drew inspiration from vernacular architecture in the Mediterranean. In post-war modernism, the respective domestic vernacular architecture was stigmatised by historically oriented research and musealisation as being bound to the past and backwardness. Since the publications of Bernard Rudofsky and Hassan Fathy at the latest, however, its appreciation as part of the material culture of humanity has been steadily growing. Today more than ever, the aspects of sustainability are coming into focus, and the guiding principles of vernacular architecture can be ground breaking for the necessary turnaround in building practices.


Vernacular architecture, Nubian architecture, Nubia


SDAIK 39 Cover



November 26, 2023