Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte

The Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte (KVF) are a joint publication series of the Romano-Germanic Commission and the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute. Since 1997 KVF has published 24 volumes resulting from conferences, symposia, or workshops, which were co-organised or hosted by either the RGK or the Eurasienabteilung of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). The volumes comprise interdisciplinary and internationally oriented contributions. Topics encompass all periods of early and late prehistory, provincial Roman archaeology and medieval archaeology, and range from research into goldsmithing techniques to CAA volumes, from diachronic approaches to ‘deviant burials’ to Iron Age protourbanisation. Contributions are published in German, English, and French.

From volume 26 onwards, the volumes of KVF are published not only in print, but also online in open access – in some cases simultaneously with the print version

Volume 25–27:
Harrassowitz Verlag
Kreuzberger Ring 7c-d
D-65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim

Volume 1–24:
Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH
Am Buchenhang 1
D-53115 Bonn

Responsible editorial office/editors
Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK)

Eurasia Department, Berlin

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Band 26

Roman Animals in ritual and funerary contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel, 1st-4th February, 2018

Sabine Deschler-Erb, Umberto Albarella, Silvia Valenzuela Lamas, Gabriele Rasbach (Volume editor); Alice Bourgois, Pam J. Crabtree, Douglas V. Campana, Jacopo De Grossi Mazzorin, Claudia Minniti, Andreas Schaflitzl, Maaike Groot, Simone Häberle, Heide Hüster Plogmann, Barbara Stopp, Sarah Lo Russo, Pirmin Koch, Regula Ackermann, Constanze Höpken, Hubert Berke, Manuel Fiedler, Günther Karl Kunst, Erika Gál, Verena Gassner, Sébastien Lepetz, Fabienne Pigière, Clare Rainsford, Anthony C. King, Susan Jones, Rose Hooker, Gilbert Burleigh, Veronika Sossau, Angela Trentacoste, Sonja Vuković, Mladen Jovičić, Dimitrije Marković, Ivan Bogdanović (Chapter Author)
September 29, 2021
Band 27

Ancient Identities and Modern Identification: Mit Beiträgen einer Tagung des Berliner Exzellenzclusters Topoi, 18.–19. Juni 2015

Kerstin P. Hofmann (Volume editor); Hans-Joachim Gehrke, Wolfgang Luutz, Michael Sommer, Hans Peter Hahn, Peter Weichhart, Susanne Grunwald, Felix Wiedemann, Ulrike Sommer, Reinhard Bernbeck, Roland Steinacher, Sebastian Brather, Antonia Davidovic-Walther (Chapter Author)
August 14, 2023