About the Journal

The Jahrbuch (JdI) of the German Archaeological Institute has been published annually since 1886 with comprehensive and ground-breaking articles of fundamental importance for art history and stylistic studies, iconography, typology, hermeneutics, and the history of the archaeological sciences. In addition to the traditional focus on the visual arts, the Jahrbuch welcomes contributions across the broad spectrum of archaeological research, including architecture and the archaeological sciences.

The geographical-chronological focus is on the archaeology of the Mediterranean and Near East from prehistory to Late Antiquity. In keeping with the Institute’s research aims, the Jahrbuch also welcomes contributions that address large-scale connections and interconnections of the ancient world to the northern European, Eurasian, and African regions. While the Archäologischer Anzeiger is available for notes, micropublications, and excavation reports, the Jahrbuch contains more in-depth and fundamental contributions.

The quality of the Jahrbuch is guaranteed by a double blind peer-review process as well as thorough text and image editing. From volume 138, 2023 onwards, the contributions will be freely accessible over a responsive viewer format and a PDF in addition to the printed version. Older issues will be successively made available as PDFs.

P-ISSN: 0070-4415 – E-ISSN: 2702-444X

Philipp von Rummel • Katja Piesker
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Podbielskiallee 69–71
14195 Berlin

Advisory Board
Marianne Bergmann, Göttingen • Adolf H. Borbein, Berlin • Luca Giuliani, Berlin • Lothar Haselberger, Philadelphia • Henner von Hesberg, Berlin • Tonio Hölscher, Heidelberg • Eugenio La Rocca, Rom • Andreas Scholl, Berlin – Anthony Snodgrass, Cambridge • Theodosia Stephanidou-Tiveriou, Thessaloniki • Markus Trunk, Trier • Martin Zimmermann, München

For article submission please refer to our checklist.

Printed Edition – Publishing Houses

ab Band 133 (2018):
Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
Tauernstr. 11
D-65199 Wiesbaden

Band 33 (1918) - Band 132 (2017):
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Genthiner Straße 13
D-10785 Berlin

bis Band 32 (1917):
Dietrich Reimer Verlag
Berliner Str. 53
D-10713 Berlin
hier unter ISSN: 0931-7007