Rom, Italien. Auf dem Weg zur Rekonstruktion eines mittelrepublikanischen Tempels. Die Forschungen von 2020 am Largo Argentina in Rom
Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the collaborative project at Largo Argentina in Rome was able to make a significant step forward towards the reconstruction of the Mid Republican phase of Temple A. Its extant remains, which are hidden in an artificial underground area, were documented in a 3D model (SfM). It provides the basis for analytical architectural drawings. Moreover, it was possible to launch the study of the architectural terracotta from the site. A review of the excavator’s archival documents, in conjunction with an examination of the material, allowed preliminary but promising results in identifying parts of the roof decoration of Temple A.
Architekturterracotten, 3D-Dokumentation, Bauforschung, Mittlere Republik, Architektur, Tempel