Malaita, Salomonen Inseln. Besiedlungsgeschichte Melanesiens – Vorgeschichte der Salomonen Inseln

Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Johannes Moser [Autor/in]


The current research project is designed to focus on archaeological investigations on the pre- and protohistory of the Solomon Islands. In 2012 field-work has been carried out at the flint-knapping open-air site “Apunirereha” in south-eastern Malaita. The excavation yielded a huge amount of lithic artefacts in all stages of their production process. The most prominent component of the implements consists of varying stone adzes, side- and end scrapers. They are classifying “Apunirereha” as a centre for manufacturing of lithic end-products which were subsequently distributed as trading goods.




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Citation Formats

Moser, J. (2023) „Malaita, Salomonen Inseln. Besiedlungsgeschichte Melanesiens – Vorgeschichte der Salomonen Inseln“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, 1, S. 100–103. doi: 10.34780/x1c1-1r1a.