Torbulok, Tadschikistan. Ein neuentdecktes Heiligtum im hellenistischen Osten

Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Gunvor Lindström [Autor/in]


In 2008 two large vessels from Torbulok entered the collection of the National Museum of Antiquities in Dushanbe. They could be identified as a perirrhanterion (vessel for ritual purification) and a second cult vessel. Given this the findspot was identified as an ancient sanctuary. Excavations and a survey started in 2013. The archaeological investigation will put another sanctuary on the map of religious sites of the Hellenistic Far East.




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Citation Formats

Lindström, G. (2023) „Torbulok, Tadschikistan. Ein neuentdecktes Heiligtum im hellenistischen Osten“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, 1, S. 120–124. doi: 10.34780/cf21-79cf.