Tiryns, Griechenland. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2015 bis 2018


Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Joseph Maran [Autor/in]
  • Alkestis Papadimitriou [Autor/in]
  • Thomas Birndorfer [Autor/in]
  • Svetlana Khamnueva [Autor/in]
  • Hans-Rudolf Bork [Autor/in]
  • Ingmar Unkel [Autor/in]
  • Helmut Kroll [Autor/in]


This report deals with recent research in the Northwestern Lower Town of Tiryns, built in the early 12th century BC as a new part of the site. It focuses on the cultural and social changes between the late Palatial Period and the older half of the Post-Palatial Period (c. 1220–1130 BC).




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Citation Formats

Maran, J., Papadimitriou, A., Birndorfer, T., Khamnueva, S., Bork, H.-R., Unkel, I. und Kroll, H. (2019) „Tiryns, Griechenland. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2015 bis 2018“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 68–77. doi: 10.34780/tu7o-c336.