Resafa, Syrien

Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Michaela Konrad [Autor/in]
  • Dorothée Sack [Autor/in]
  • Martin Gussone [Autor/in]


The scholarly analysis of the results of the fieldwork undertaken within the Resafa-project until the war in Syria is carried on at the University of Bamberg (M. Konrad) and at the University of Technology Berlin (D. Sack, M. Gussone) and their cooperating partners. The main focus of the latest work is the preparation of the excavation and survey results for their final publication in the Resafa series edited by the DAI or as articles. Furthermore the teams developed a research concept for an overarching interpretation of the site in regard to its regional and trans-regional context.




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Citation Formats

Konrad, M., Sack, D. und Gussone, M. (2017) „Resafa, Syrien“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 158–167. doi: 10.34780/72p2-j61i.