Wadi Ath-Thamad, Jordanien: Nabatäische Wohn- und Wirtschaftsstrukturen im Hochland von Moab


Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Mechthild Ladurner [Autor/in]


The comprehensive analysis of Nabataean remains in the Wadi ath-Thamad, a major river system forming the northern perimeter of the Dhiban Plateau, serves as an exemplary study on settlement patterns, architecture and resource management, characterizing the Moabite region in the Hellenistic – Early Roman Period. The project focuses on the documentation and examination of single farmsteads and agricultural villages in the context of paleoenvironment and anthropogenic landscape. Future research is planned for a documentation of the isochronic organisation of the Petra hinterland; the objective is a comparative study of both environmentally and climatologically differing regions of the Nabatean realm.




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Citation Formats

Ladurner, M. (2023) „Wadi Ath-Thamad, Jordanien: Nabatäische Wohn- und Wirtschaftsstrukturen im Hochland von Moab“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 73–77. doi: 10.34780/pa1s-7fdp.