Minturno (Lazio), Italien: Das Stadtzentrum

Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Henner von Hesberg [Autor/in]


The project focuses on a new documentation of formerly excavated remains at the site, which yet lack a reconstruction of the architectural structures as well as a complete recording. The approach will help to develop a new interpretation of the main buildings, i.e. the two temples at the forum, the forum with the basilica and the theatre. In many cases different phases can be distinguished. A particular focus has been placed on water management and water architecture in the town.




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Citation Formats

von Hesberg, H. (2023) „Minturno (Lazio), Italien: Das Stadtzentrum“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 63–67. doi: 10.34780/aa26-pbs2.